About ServiceMob

serviceMob is an award-winning software company based in Irvine, California that focuses on experiential analytics for Customer Service / Support to improve agent performance, optimize cost to serve, reduce churn, and increase customer satisfaction.

Lifetime Client Savings

Since coming to market, our analytics has led to differentiated operational cost reduction, averaging between $1.2-7 million per client.

Industries Supported

Regardless of industry, serviceMob can help you transform your support/service operation with even the most complex customer/business operations and rules globally.

Weekly Interactions

We analyze over 500K interactions weekly, helping businesses identify opportunities to reduce customer effort.

Contact Removed

Across all of our customers, we helped remove over 800K contacts from their support ecosystems.

Our story

serviceMob starts from looking at customers' data

serviceMob began as an academic project at MIT when Anuj Bhalla converged his data science expertise and consulting experience to solve a pain point he had heard many times…companies trying to manage their variegated and often disparate data to better serve their customers. Since then, serviceMob has thrived bringing insight to service operations worldwide--from growth stage to Fortune 500 organizations.  Our award-winning company and technology has accumulated many accolades along the way.  Among these honors include serviceMob getting inducted in 2023 to the MIT STEX25, an honor reserved for top startups bringing innovation and proven value to industry.

while serviceMob success continues with a great team

serviceMob’s success can also be attributed to when Marcel Barrera joined as a co-founder and the Chief Strategy Officer. Marcel’s unique background was perfect for serviceMob: a call center agent who became a top consultant and strategic executive leader for Fortune 500 companies. Anuj and Marcel's similar experiences in data science and consulting allow them to become a force to be reckoned with in the service and support industry.