
Innovation in Service Analytics has been needed to truly reduce contact demand/customer effort. At serviceMob, our products help to optimize business effectiveness from strategic design to day-to-day execution, we deliver actionable intelligence at the experiential level.


A look into our product offerings

Performance Management

serviceMob provides visibility into key performance metrics for agents across the enterprise to improve operational performance and reduce contacts.

For example, one of serviceMob's metrics is experiential resolution rate. With this insight, businesses can see what issue types agents needed coaching on, to help reduce repeat contacts into the support center. Management teams are able to quickly identify which cases/tickets should be reviewed, improving the speed at which coaching is delivered.

Customer Effort Analysis

In addition to specializing in performance management, serviceMob also provides a view of experiential / resolution metrics which truly reduce contact demand.

This means we can provide analysis to when a customer comes in a channel, which agent they spoke with, and ultimately if their issue was solved or not...not based on if the agent closed the ticket - its done algorithmically!! This gives a better sense of the following: Did a specific user come back into support within x-number of days for that specific contact reason?

This level of insight is not provided by any in-market solution. By reducing the number of repeat contacts and focusing on agent effectiveness, many of serviceMob's enterprise users saw a significant reduction in rework across all of its support channels.

Forecasting & Shift Optimization

serviceMob accounts for critical factors which traditional WFM tools miss, such as; repeat contacts. Repeat contact demand traditionally has a higher AHT, and thus should be considered when determining how many agents are needed on the frontline.

To that extent, our model accounts for growth and detraction factors improving the accuracy of the model to 95-97% on the intraweek level. With a better forecast, serviceMob provides the ideal shift pattern to meet the new projected demand, helping to reduce the number of FTEs required.

Expert Advisory Services

serviceMob also provides advisory services when needed to help businesses further transform their service operation. Data and strategy led, we work to help improve strategic capabilities, analyze data, and provide recommendations across the ecosystem of service/support - to make better, faster decisions - because businesses can only move as fast as they can action the data which they consume.

We work with our customers to define the roadmap, strategy, respective transformations needed, and cut through the noise by helping to deliver millions of dollars in cost savings. Our rationale is based on the 1 team concept. We operate as a direct extension of your teams to get results from your data, ensure the experience is central to your analytics, and work with you, other business units and your Franken-Stack of Vendors to ensure the delivery of better service and support.

Futher Reading

A look into our approach

serviceMobs expertise is unparalleled in the world of service and support. Our methodology is designed to take you from data disparity to actionable clarity, helping business truly transform the way they use and action the data of service.

Performance Management

serviceMob’s platform is designed for any industry/business with a service/support footprint. Our proprietary methodology for modeling and analyzing service interactions helps to reduce costs, improve business effectiveness, and increase CSAT (Customer Satisfaction).

Performance Management can be difficult when only measuring business efficiency and perception of service. Our software provides unparalleled visibility across the service/support journey regardless of the channels you service customers, business type, or technologies utilized.

Critical Insights Like

  • Experiential Resolution Rate: From Manager to Frontline Agents, target the hardest issues for the business to solve by contact reason across any channel!
  • Contacts Per Resolved Experience: Rationalize how many contacts it really takes to solve an issue by contact reason type/sub-type – Not available in any current tool in the marketplace!
  • Executive to Frontline Agent Scorecards: Providing unmatched visibility into which sites, teams, agents, etc. require attention, driving priority of coaching and development at all levels.
  • AMPx © (Average Minutes Per Experience): AHT has no correlation to CSAT/NPS, with AMPx businesses can target the most painful issues for customers, reduce contacts into support and so much more!!
  • AOPAc © (Average Offered Per Accepted chat) & CCR (Chat Concurrency Rate): We created AOPAc to help customers see how many chats agents turn away before they pick up one; Salesforce doesn’t even publish CCR, at serviceMob we help companies solve the dark data of service to also improve productivity and efficiency.

Customer Effort Analytics

Customer effort is a measure of how much effort (interactions, cases, etc.) a customer has to put in to get their issue or question resolved.

Why it's important?

Insights into customer effort can help businesses understand which issues are the most painful and frustrating for customers, and prioritize those experiences to improve service outcomes.

When customers have to go through multiple channels, repeat their problem multiple times in order to solve their issue, this high level of effort will result in low satisfaction and a low NPS (see the example below based on real client data). By identifying and addressing these pain points, businesses can improve the customer experience and increase customer satisfaction.

Our Platform for Customer Service Analytics Delivers!

  • Get insight into the toughest issues agents have a hard timing solving, with precision down to the specific interaction/case/ticket level.
  • Measure customer effort algorithmically with Contacts Per Resolved Experience. The number of contacts it takes to truly verify the issue was resolved.

Leverage Statistical Models

We created statistical models which can be leveraged to prioritize customer service/support issues, with other business units which influenced or created the contact demand to begin with!

  • Take data back to product teams, engineering, marketing, customer success, and more to reduce customer effort with fewer interactions, tickets, and cases required to solve issues.
  • Build deep insights into the behaviors of your customers and operations teams alike; reducing contact demand, improving business effectiveness, and evolving your service operation to meet customers' expectations.

serviceMob provides the most accurate forecasting model for contact demand available. While most other forecasting models that utilize Erlang-C reach up to 85-90% accuracy, serviceMob’s forecasts achieve 97%+ accuracy. This 5 to 17% difference in forecasting accuracy can make a huge impact on operational costs and customer satisfaction.

Forecasting & Shift Optimization

What makes our model unique?

Our model takes into account repeat contacts, which greatly impacts the accuracy of the forecast. Moreover, the serviceMob forecast goes to the 15-minute interval, whereas the alternatives only go to the 30-minute or 1-hour interval level.

When you pair our forecasting capabilities with our shift optimization engine, customer service staffing will be entirely optimized. Our Shift Optimization Engine, or SHOP, staffs every shift to the most optimal level, keeping you right-sized for capacity. By optimizing the shifts against the new forecast, the number of FTEs needed decreases, allowing you more precision on the number of agents needed to meet your SLAs and Customers' Expectations (see example below).

More accurate than what's available in the market

serviceMob’s forecasting capabilities are extremely unique as a result of the enrichments made to the underlying Erlang-C model. This creates better precision all the way down to the 15-minute interval, bringing you a better cost to serve at scale. serviceMob works hand-in-hand with your business to ensure better, faster decisions are made around your workforce (see example below).

Expert Advisory Services

serviceMob’s heritage is in consulting with top-tier firms in the space of Service & Support, Strategy & Operations, CX, CRM, and Analytics. Our mobbers work with your executive and operations teams to close gaps, improve processes, and optimize your service operation to deliver better, consistent, and cost-effective service outcomes.

End-to-end data wrangling assistance

serviceMob is strategy and data-led, focusing on what the data tells us to drive precision to the roadmap and initiatives which enable your operation to transform how you execute and deliver service.

Our methodology helps to take you from ambiguity to clarity to inform strategic decisions about your service operation, economic relationships with customers, and other critical models to further reduce customer effort.

Ready to get started? Book a demo today

serviceMob improves CSAT and NPS. Agent and Enterprise CSAT performance managementProductivity and Efficiency Optimization with serviceMob. serviceMob productivity insights

Integrated with the tools you love + more

serviceMob is software agnostic - meaning we don't care which specific systems you use. We know that the wealth of data tend to be scattered across different systems (including bots, AI, speech analyzers, etc.) . serviceMob gains a comprehensive view of operations by integrating with all the CRM software tools in order to unify all of the data and -most importantly - uncover the wealth of data for analytics.